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Mobile Phone Tracking System by CustomSoft

  • Mobile Phone Tracking System by CustomSoft
    Location: Pune Address: Shaniwar Peth Contact: 9890188077 Views: 319 Rating:
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    Mobile phone Tracking system is a web application developed by CustomSoft to track current location of mobile.
    Now a days Mobile phone are became necessity of every individual. We are using almost all activities using mobile phone.
    This application tracks the mobile location in every 5 seconds in connection with the central tower. This system is installable in all Android phones. This system sends the information to the server – Mobile ID, Location and time

    The users of the mobile application can get the shop details of a place by providing the location. The application will fetch the shop information on that location and display the details on the mobile screen. In the proposed system we have created an application by means of which we can track the movement of the mobile phone of the desired user. Each mobile phone has a unique Id and it is this ID that sets apart a mobile phone from other mobile phones.
    In case of loss of mobile phone, using mobile ID user can track the location of time.
    – Remote Access Dashboard that enables you to view all information regarding the device being monitored in one location
    – GPS tracking system
    – History and reports
    – Account and data privacy maintained
    Mobile Tracking system developed by CustomSoft is one of the top selling software. This is user friendly app with good quality.
    CustomSoft a leading Software Development organization in India having expertise in customized software development for international clients from U.S.A, U.K. Canada, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, South Africa and so on.

    CustomSoft has wide range of software solutions in Healthcare, Insurance, Real estate, E-commerce, ERP, CRM, Retail and many more.

    CustomSoft has successfully deployed multiple projects in PHP, Android, Iphone, Delphi and other latest technologies.

    CustomSoft has dedicated team of developers to continual support. CustomSoft is providing high-quality, cost effective custom software development and many business related outsourcing services to industries and enterprises around world. CustomSoft is custom offshore software outsourcing company with expertise in outsourced product development & enterprise application development services.

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