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Veterinary Hospital Doctors in Domlur

    Location: Bangalore Urban Address: IIMB, Bilekahalli, Bannergahtta Road Contact: 7406343670 Views: 553 Rating:
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    Petzz provides High Quality, Reliable, and Easily Accessible Veterinary Care directly at your doorstep. We have a team of 100+ veterinary doctors with expertise in treating different breeds and species. We also provide Comprehensive Health Plans for your pets so that we can keep track of your pets’ health and ensure that your pets remain healthy and happy while you are worry free. Worried about missing your pet’s vaccination or deworming schedule? You don’t have time to take your pets to the vets regularly? You can’t find a good veterinary doctor near you? You are worried that your pet might catch an infection at the pet clinic? Get a Petzz Healthcare Plan today and let us worry about your pet’s health and wellbeing.

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